What We Do

FCA supports organizations in Central America that offer innovative and systemic solutions to the root causes of irregular migration and the factors that affect a population's ability to live with dignity. Recognizing that the push factors of migration are varied and complex, we work across sectors, primarily within the focus areas below.

Our funding is aimed at populations who have historically been underserved by philanthropy and is paired with community building and educational opportunities for organizational strengthening. FCA is primarily interested in locally-led organizations and seeks to elevate the leadership of both women and indigenous people.

Focus Areas

Agriculture/Food Security
Child Protection
Civil Engagement
Early Childhood Education
Education (Other)
Employment / Entrepreneurship
Environmental Conservation
Health (Direct Services)
Indigenous / Afro Descendant Rights
LGTB + Rights
Support for Returned Migrants
Violence Prevention
Water & Sanitation
Women´s Rights

Explore Central America